Just a few years ago, single-layer bottles were the standard when there wasn’t a need for barrier properties. This is outdated. The trend toward processing recycled material is no longer voluntary. Legislation is increasingly forcing you as a manufacturer to meet recycling quotas and to close the loop. However, bottles made from recycled material should continue to be visually appealing. Especially, recycled materials in particular should not come into contact with the contents in any case. This also changes the requirements for extrusion and the extrusion head.
Multilayer systems are the solution we have been offering on the market for over 35 years. We continuously improve and adapt them to the requirements of new materials. Therefore, the conversion to a multilayer system is no problem for us! This does not require replacing the entire machine! An extension of the extrusion and a retrofit of the head will make you competitive again and secure your future with a contemporary and modern production!